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Air Cadets Commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge with a gala and you're invited

To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge, this Saturday, April 8th, from 6-8pm at the Fort Chippewa Barracks, at the corner of Chippewa and High St, the cadets and staff are hosting the community for a gala presentation to share their trip and life-changing experiences with their community supporters. Entrance is free, with donations gratefully accepted at the door
vimy ridge cadets 2017
547 “Canuck” Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron. Supplied photo.

This past March Break, 36 air cadets and staff from 547 “Canuck” Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron had the opportunity of a lifetime when they realized their goal of attending a 9-day educational tour through Europe to visit historic sites from the first and second world wars, with the pinnacle of the trip being the Vimy Ridge memorial and trenches.

The cadets and staff worked tirelessly in the community for nearly 18 months to raise the money to be able to bring as many cadets as possible on this once in a lifetime experience. The cadets participated in Walk-a-thons, Bazaars, Battalion games, direct sales efforts, grocery bagging and more. The most memorable effort put forth was their “Bringing Back the Memories” flag sponsorship program, which saw community members, and global supporters alike, sponsor a flag to travel to Vimy Ridge with a personalized message of thanks and remembrance. Over 1000 flags were sponsored during this campaign, which were then carefully packed and carried to the Vimy Ridge memorial site where each of the 36 squadron members in attendance planted the flags and held a special ceremony in honour of the Canadians who fought, who died, and who helped to form Canada into the nation we are today. As the cold winds blew through the sea of red and white flags, the cadets stood at attention in an arc around the flags, dressed in their blue dress uniforms – a stark contrast to the grey sky surrounding them and white monument behind them – remembering family members, friends, ancestors and heroes; the emotion was visible on each person’s face.

In addition to the Vimy Ridge site, the air cadets of 547 Sqn were fortunate to visit areas such as Ypres, Belgium, home of Flander’s Fields, Tyne Cot Cemetery and Menin Gate; Arras, France, home of the Wellington Quarry; Beaumont-Hamel, the memorial of the significant battle by Newfoundland; the German, French and British cemeteries, including Cabaret-Rouge where the unknown soldier, who now rests in Ottawa’s tomb, was originally buried; Normandy region, including Dieppe and Juno beaches and Bény-sur-Mer cemetery; and more. They were also able to experience the culture in both London, UK and Paris, France, seeing many museums and historical architecture.

The 547 Canuck RCACS cadets and staff recognize they would not have been able to realize this dream had it not been for the incredible support of the community members of North Bay and area. To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge, this Saturday, April 8th, from 6-8pm at the Fort Chippewa Barracks, at the corner of Chippewa and High St, the cadets and staff are hosting the community for a gala presentation to share their trip and life-changing experiences with their community supporters. Entrance is free, with donations gratefully accepted at the door.

The Canadian Cadet Organization is the largest nationally-funded youth organization in Canada, which aims to promote the attributes of leadership, citizenship and physical fitness to youth ages 12 to 19. The 547 Canuck Air Cadets meet at the Fort Chippewa barracks (formerly ML Troy Armoury), 540 Chippewa St W North Bay, on Mondays from 6 to 9:15pm. For more information, visit, call 705-477-0549 or find them on Facebook.