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21 Aerospace Control and Warning Squadron has a new Commanding Officer

As part of the NORAD team, perform air sovereignty and counter air missions – always ready and able to defend against any and all air threats in the defence of Canada and North America.”

The 22 Wing Fitness and Wellness Centre gymnasium, located at 22 Wing/Canadian Forces Base North Bay, was transformed into a parade square yesterday for the 21 Aerospace Control and Warning Squadron (AC&W Sqn) Change of Command ceremony where Lieutenant-Colonel (LCol) Marc Délisle relinquished command to LCol Mark Lachapelle.

Colonel Henrik Smith, 22 Wing and Canadian Air Defence Sector Commander presided over the ceremony which was witnessed by members of 21 AC&W Sqn, 22 Wing and local dignitaries.

“Lieutenant-Colonel Délisle’s strong leadership, guidance and interpersonal skills have ensured that the important mission of safeguarding Canadian and North American aerospace have been well-executed under his tenure," said Smith. "The Royal Canadian Air Force is proud of your service, and Canada owes you a debt of gratitude. Lieutenant-Colonel Lachapelle, you now have control and the watch, and with you in charge, I have full confidence.”

“I wish Marc every success preparing for his new post at the Embassy of Canada in Mexico in 2017. It has been a pleasure and humbling experience to work with Marc in my capacity as Honorary Colonel." said Hariett Madigan. "He is an invaluable leader and strong communicator."

21 Aerospace Control and Warning Squadron’s Mission: “To provide surveillance, identification, warning and control of Canadian aerospace, through the use of our national sensor network and airborne assets. As part of the NORAD team, perform air sovereignty and counter air missions – always ready and able to defend against any and all air threats in the defence of Canada and North America.”

‘’I am both honoured and truly humbled to have the opportunity to return to 21 Aerospace Control & Warning Squadron (21 AC&W Sqn) as the Commanding Officer" said Lieutenant-Colonel Mark Lachapelle, "As I assume my new responsibilities with the support of my family and all of the members of 21 AC&W Sqn and 22 Wing, I am aware of both the challenge and importance of our mission.  I am looking forward to working with each and every one of you over the next few years.’’

Quick Fact

  • Working from the DLP with other CADS support units, 21 AC&W Squadron’s complement of almost 200 men and women efficiently and tirelessly execute the squadron’s 24/7/365 mission. Today, this includes providing surveillance, identification, warning and control for the aerospace defence of Canada, while also contributing to collective continental defence through the bi-national NORAD partnership. The squadron also manages a nationwide sensor network and alert fighter aircraft force and exploit Canada's capability to guarantee the continuous and impenetrable defence of Canada's 10 million square kilometer sovereign airspace. Additionally, 21 AC&W Sqn conducts air sovereignty and counter-air missions as required. It plans, coordinates and executes domestic missions such as Special Security Events and counter-narcotic/smuggling operations, in cooperation with Law Enforcement Agencies and Other Government Departments.


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