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LETTER: Relief as lost wallet returned

We also steeled ourselves for the possibility that it would never be returned, either picked up and stolen or thrown out
20191014  welcome to north bay sign cu turl
Jeff Turl/BayToday.

To the Citizens of North Bay,

Last week a member of our family who was working a late shift in the West Ferris area lost his wallet on Lakeshore Drive.

We returned to the area to search for it but were unable to locate it. We hoped that a kind person would pick it up and turn it into the police or return it. We also steeled ourselves for the possibility that it would never be returned, either picked up and stolen or thrown out.

Thank you to the kind person or persons who found it on Lakeshore Drive and turned it into the police.

We received a call the next day from the police and made arrangements to pick it up. This kind of action saved our family a great deal of grief and worry. It is wonderful to know we have some good people who make good choices.

I think you were empathetic realizing how you might feel if you were in the same situation.

Thank you!


A Grateful North Bay Citizen