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LETTER: Lights , 4-laning and training on Hwy's 11/17- Interesting !

'Not all CMV drivers are causing havoc on our roadways but the ones that are are making it bad for those who operate their CMV safely'
truck accident highway 2 11 and 16 cd 2016
This fuel tanker left the highway at the intersection of 11 and 17. Photo by Chris Dawson.

Editor's note: Mr. Kader writes in response to the BayToday story Harsh measures suggested to reduce Highway 11/17 carnage.


To the editor:

Recommending the idea of lights being erected every 20 km on Hwy 11/17, is utterly useless and unsafe(to a certain degree).

A previous letter stated that CMV drivers would have to obey these areas where "no passing" is allowed whatsoever, and the speed limit reduced to 80km/hr.

Safety is the key player here, implementing these rules just will not correct the problem which we face every day on our highways.

In safety, the "root cause" needs to be found and then implemented and the (2) recommendations just do not seem like the "cure".

  1. Lights will and could cause "blindness"

  2. Reducing the speed limit in these lighted areas will only cause drivers to disobey the posted speed and move faster. 

CMV drivers will do whatever they feel needs to be done as they operate their "missiles" on wheels and changing the "scenery", just adds "fuel to the fire".

With the addition of these lights, who will pay the bill? Also, does one know how many lights will be required (these highways are long)?

Here are some thoughts:

  1. Investigate the means of training for these "so-called" new CMV drivers.

  2. Monitor their driving skills for a duration of 1 year regarding their driving performance( factors would be:  accidents, fines, improper book logging).

  3. Create a point system and if the CMV operator cannot attain his points in good standing, revoke his licence and imply pressure on the operator's employer.

  4. As for the owners of the business, investigate their performance and if it is such that the business has a terrible operating record, revoke their business licence.

As for the 4 laning of Hwy 11/17 - really folks, is this going to improve safety on our roads?

What happens when both lanes in one direction are blocked due to an accident - do we as motorists, travel on the grassy section in between the other 2 lanes in the opposite direction just to reach our destination?

The problem at large, stems from driver attitude, training, and skills.

In the mind of a CMV operator, their task is "getting" the load to the customer at whatever cost.

Please keep in mind that not all CMV drivers are causing havoc on our roadways but the ones that are are making it bad for those who operate their CMV safely.


Thank yougary kader

Gary Kader(Safety Professional)

Timmins, Ontario