Editor's note: Buchanan adds to her Dec. 19, 2024, letter to the editor entitled Landlords shy to rent due to bad tenant experiences, written in response to posted letters Landlords need to help control rental costs in North Bay. and Landlords not the villains in high rent crisis.
To the editor:
I really hope you write another article on landlord/tenant issues.
The tenant I was referring to — who has not paid for 13 months — has still not been evicted by the sheriff. She leaves the water running 24/7 to aggravate the landlord. The landlord's water bill has doubled this month. We are dealing with someone with a criminal record. Our system is broken.
We are concerned that if he tries to sell his house, no one will buy it because of our broken system. No one will buy knowing they can't evict this tenant. We have to begin to lobby for changes or there will be a wider housing crisis.
Annette Buchanan