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LETTER: High rents make living in North Bay unaffordable

The rent really has to stop increasing so high so that all people can afford a place to live
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To the editor:

Homelessness may not be such an issue if there was a set rent for people to survive.

A two and 3 bedroom apartment is at $1,500 to 3,500 and more.

The minimum wage sure is not enough plus food and utilities. Even a bachelor's apartment is more than 1,000 per month.

The rent has to stop climbing so high, cuz our wages won't ever get that high.

If a mortgage is 1,000 per month plus utilities, maybe $1,500 per month. This is for the whole house. Build two apartments in houses 1 upstairs, one downstairs. Charge 2,000, for the top half of the house and 1,500 for the lower half plus utilities.

So now we have paid two mortgages and still don't own the house. The rent really has to stop increasing so high so that all people can afford a place to live.

Besides the food bank is struggling too. The world was never this bad. Yes had struggles, but come on, there are more people on the streets than ever before...NOT RIGHT AT ALL. GOVERNMENT STOP Complaining BOUT IT AND FIX THE PROBLEM!

😑 πŸ˜‘

 Jacky Carmichael

North Bay