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LETTER: Close Chippewa and reopen Widdifield High School

The NNDSB in its questionable wisdom is spending more than $600,000.00 to build fencing around the Chippewa building and play fields because of its precarious location

Editor's note: Mr. Trusslet writes in response to the BayToday story School board's $611K in fences set to keep Chippewa secure.


To the editor:

Chippewa High School was designed and built in the nineteen fifties on a tight budget and was not designed for a North Bay winter climate.

Whereas Widdifield High School was designed and built in the nineteen sixties on a more generous budget and is a better designed and built structure, with later additions matched to the original complex and our North Bay climate. It also has individually controlled classroom heating and cooling.

The NNDSB in its questionable wisdom is spending more than $600,000.00 to build fencing around the Chippewa building and play fields because of its precarious location.

Instead, why doesn't the NNDSB close Chippewa and reopen the much superior Widdifield High School on Ski Club Road which is a very pretty and safe street? It is close to the expanding city to the north escarpment.

Saint Joseph/Scollard Hall High School is close to Chippewa High School and presumably has a similar curriculum for those wishing to be schooled in the Chippewa area.

It would also eliminate the “woke” nonsense of a name change.

Paul Trussler

North Bay