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LETTER: Citizens can't afford new rink

The average North Bay taxpayer is struggling to make ends meet and council’s proposal will probably require an increase in the municipal tax levy
20201215 steve omischl sports complex turl
The Omischl Sports Complex is the planned site for the new twin pad arena. Jeff Turl/BayToday.

Editor's note: Mr. Trussler writes in response to the BayToday story Three options available to council for new arena project.


To the Editor:

As I do not see the need for a new double rink arena or its out-of-the-way location, why can we not renovate rather than relocate the existing two facilities?

If the design-build project proceeds why is an indoor walking space required when there is so much ideal corridor space for walking in our existing Northgate Shopping Mall? It provides bright, well-lit, clean, warm/cool, smooth walking surfaces and interesting surroundings.

Whether they are hockey enthusiasts or not, the average North Bay taxpayer is struggling to make ends meet and council’s proposal will probably require an increase in the municipal tax levy. As is, I wonder how many are coping financially.

Paul Trussler
North Bay