Here’s Step #5 in the Roadmap Through Workplace Conflict to Collaboration…
It’s easy (and important) to nurture relationships when things are going well, but what about when they’re not?
Well, I’ve always said that love is easy, but relationships are hard. People are fueled by pride and vanity, and when feelings get hurt, or changes in circumstances create conflict, we become disconnected.
When a relationship is worth having, it’s worth working on…learn how to nurture relationships in this video:
Prepare yourself for a conversation or meeting by finding the good in people or circumstances. This is possible if we look for it. Try looking back on the relationship before the conflict or changes, and recall that same respect back into the present. There is a big difference between people and problems. Looking for the good qualities and respect for people, helps us gain momentum toward finding solutions.
During a challenging conversation, take inventory of the things you agree on, and the things you don’t agree on. Write them out (Don’t draw a line to separate these lists…I made that mistake while role-playing and learning mediation techniques at Harvard. The instructors helped me see that the line was representing a division, which was contrary to my goal).
Use the inventory of agreements as momentum that you ‘agree’ on some things. Those are openings. Look for the openings while you are communicating. Better yet, create them by giving a little bit, admitting to a mistake, or moving toward the other party’s views or ideas in some way.
Nurture relationships that matter!
Hey…You’re more than halfway through the Roadmap of Workplace Conflict to cooperation and collaboration. But there are 3 more tips, so download the complete roadmap and get all of the 8 tips, and think about bringing the Sandbox Training program to your entire organization. Want to book a complimentary discovery call?
Relationships are important. There are times when entanglements require intervention. If you can’t find your way, call Penny Tremblay, because the high cost of conflict is avoidable, and profits can be used for better things.
Feel free to share with anyone you know who would benefit from the Roadmap and the steps it takes to get from conflict to cooperation and collaboration!
In case you have missed any of the previous steps:
- Step 1 is P – Position Yourself for Success
- Step 2 is L – Lighten Your Load
- Step 3 is A – Actively Listen
- Step 4 is Y – Your WHY