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Snow plow driver charged with impaired

OPP responded to a report of a snowplow stuck in the westbound ditch of Highway 652
The driver of this snowplow has been charged with impaired,

 A report of a snowplow stuck in a ditch east of Cochrane led to the arrest of a driver for impaired.

On March 11 at 3 a.m., the James Bay OPP responded to a report of a snowplow stuck in the westbound ditch, facing eastbound on Highway 652 in Kennedy Township, 10 km east of Cochrane.

Officers determined the driver had consumed alcohol. The driver was arrested and taken to the Timmins Police Service for further testing.

Bradley Minogue, 50. from Cochrane is charged with:

  • Operation while impaired - alcohol
  • Operation while impaired - blood alcohol concentration (80 plus)

Minogue was released from custody and is scheduled to appear before the Ontario Court of Justice on April 15 in Cochrane. Additionally, he received a 90-day Administrative Driver's Licence Suspension, and the vehicle was impounded for seven days.