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Mark Gentili

Mark Gentili

Mark Gentili is the editor at Follow him on Twitter @MarkGentili. He can be reached by email at [email protected].

[email protected]

Recent Work by Mark

Parole extended for man who murdered cop in 1993

Parole extended for man who murdered cop in 1993

Peter Pennettt, 60, was granted day parole a year ago, which was extended this past April
More weird plants: Strange gourd and an eight-headed sunflower

More weird plants: Strange gourd and an eight-headed sunflower

A few weeks ago, Village Media's shared a story about a local woman’s strange-looking conjoined sunflower. Now, a couple of other readers have shared photos of strange plants they grew this year
Sudbury woman grows odd, conjoined sunflower

Sudbury woman grows odd, conjoined sunflower

Melanie Lalonde has grown a sunflower garden since 2020, but this year she grew something a little unexpected
Serré says rural MPs pushing back on handgun ban amendment

Serré says rural MPs pushing back on handgun ban amendment

Nickel Belt MP says more thought should have been put into a late amendment to Bill C-21 that inadvertently impacted certain makes of rifles and shotguns
Northern MPs pushing back against riding boundary changes

Northern MPs pushing back against riding boundary changes

Northern Ontario’s 10 MPs come together across party lines to encourage constituents to tell federal electoral boundaries commission reducing the number of ridings to nine weakens region’s voice in Ottawa
Get up early Thursday to see the weirdest sunrise in 63 years

Get up early Thursday to see the weirdest sunrise in 63 years

the North Bay club is working with to broadcast the horned sunrise from three telescopes in the Gateway City to TimeandDate’s server in Norway, the club said on its website. As well, the feed from one of those telescopes will be sent to NASA to be broadcast on the NASA TV channel
Police, bylaw will be on hand during another ‘Freedom Rally’ this Saturday in Sudbury

Police, bylaw will be on hand during another ‘Freedom Rally’ this Saturday in Sudbury

GSPS will not stop the event, but officers will be on hand identifying organizers and participants who are breaking pandemic rules with an eye to issuing fines
Sudbury’s top doc says local COVID-19 case was not infectious at PDAC

Sudbury’s top doc says local COVID-19 case was not infectious at PDAC

Dr. Penny Sutcliffe says virus likely not contagious until infected person shows symptoms, public not being asked to practice ‘social distancing’
Opinion: Gentili: The opioid crisis has grown so bad chances are it’s already touched someone you know

Opinion: Gentili: The opioid crisis has grown so bad chances are it’s already touched someone you know

And we still don’t seem to know how to fix the situation
OPINION: Too many philosophers spoil the math curriculum

OPINION: Too many philosophers spoil the math curriculum

Like many reporters, math has never been my thing. We even have a joke about it in the industry for when a journalist invariably makes an arithmetic error: reporter math, we call it.
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