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Your steps can make a positive difference: The Annual “Hike for Hospice” supports compassionate care at Nipissing Serenity Hospice

On Thanksgiving Weekend lace up to raise crucial funds to provide vital end-of-life care for your community.

Imagine a community coming together, step by step, heart by heart, to ensure that Nipissing Serenity Hospice, a place of peace, comfort, and compassion can continue to provide end-of-life care during a family’s most vulnerable moments. 
Nipissing Serenity Hospice is a 10-bed residence which opened in January 2020 to offer end-of-life services to individuals and grief and bereavement supports to their loved ones.

“Hike for Hospice”, their cornerstone fundraising event isn’t just about putting one foot in front of the other; it’s about joining together to sustain a sanctuary that touches countless lives in Nipissing District and East Parry Sound. 

The “Hike for Hospice” draws people from all walks of life, who understand the importance of having a place where end-of-life care is approached with dignity and respect. It’s an event when the community literally takes steps to ensure that Nipissing Serenity Hospice can continue the important work it does to provide care and comfort to individuals and their families. Executive Director Gil Pharand says, “Although we are partially funded by the provincial government, we still need to raise about $800,000 annually to support day-to-day operations. The hospice relies on the generosity of our community and 100% of the funds raised remain in our community.” 


“Hike for Hospice” is about more than dollars and cents; it’s about community, connection, and compassion. Pharand says, “We are fortunate that we live in a very generous community and region. People support us and see the need for the services that we provide.” Nipissing Serenity Hospice serves an area that covers 23,000 square kilometres and a population of 130.000 people in Nipissing District and East Parry Sound. The vital services they provide are free of charge. 

Join the “Hike for Hospice” Campaign

Nipissing Serenity Hospice’s 2024 “Hike for Hospice” campaign kicked off in June and ends on Thanksgiving Weekend. It’s both an in-person and online campaign. 

The in-person hike is a 20-minute walk on Friday, October 11th within the Hospice’s John Street neighbourhood in North Bay. The walk begins at noon and ends back at the Nipissing Serenity Hospice parking lot where participants are invited to gather to enjoy music, and a barbecue. They can also tour the facilities. 

Register online here for the “Hike for Hospice”


Gil Pharand says, “We ask people to register as individuals or as a team to donate. They can also fundraise within their own networks. The “Hike for Hospice” is a celebration of everyone’s efforts to reach our goal of $75,000.”

Participants often form teams, rallying friends, family, and colleagues to join them. The teams are a powerful reminder that no one walks this journey alone, whether it’s the journey of grief after a loss or the journey of supporting a loved one through their final days. 

Last year there were 250 participants. This year they’re expecting about 350 walkers. Bernadette Lindsay, Fund Development Coordinator says, “We are grateful for the community support. Between sponsors and registered individuals and teams, we’ve almost reached the halfway mark of our $75,000 goal.” 
Pharand adds, “Many participants have experienced our services because they’ve had a family member or friend at our hospice. Nipissing Serenity Hospice has incredible supporters who believe in our mission and continue to spread the word about the compassion and care the hospice offers.” 

Honouring a loved one

“Hike for Hospice” is also an event to celebrate life and honour those who have passed. Lindsay says, “Individuals who register online can post a photo and story of their loved one as a way of individualizing their fundraising campaign. It’s a gesture of gratitude for the care their family received. A lot of people take advantage of that while they run, walk or hike, whatever activity they choose to do for their loved one.” Families often tell staff about what wonderful support they received and say they don’t know what they would have done without the service. 

Since Nipissing Serenity Hospice opened its doors, it has served about 425 residents and filled a gap in the community for end-of-life care. The event is also an opportunity for the hospice to connect with the broader community, raising awareness about the importance of the services it provides. 


Walking the talk

Many don’t think about hospice care until they need it, and the “Hike for Hospice” serves as a powerful reminder that these services are available, and the community has a role in supporting them. 

The “Hike for Hospice” is a tangible way to make a difference, to give back, to say thank you for the care loved ones received, and to ensure that others can have the same experience. 


Every step taken, every dollar raised, goes directly towards ensuring that Nipissing Serenity Hospice can continue to provide its services to those who need them most in the Nipissing District and East Parry Sound Communities. 

Join the “Hike for Hospice” in-person on Friday, October 11th at 799 John Street, North Bay. To register and donate go online here.

Support Nipissing Serenity Hospice with a hike, walk, run, or bike around the block or in your community with family and friends at anywhere and at anytime.