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Empowering Futures: Laurentian University’s Bachelor of Education graduates are catalysts for positive change in their communities

Laurentian University equips future educators with the skills and passion to transform and uplift the communities they serve

Laurentian University’s Bachelor of Education program has been an agent of positive change across Northern Ontario in part because more than 75% of the Education degree students live in the North.

Carolyn Crang, Interim Director of the School of Education/École d’éducation says, “One of the main reasons that students apply to the teaching program at Laurentian is because it’s a concurrent, 5-year program, which allows them to complete both an undergraduate and Bachelor of Education degree in that period.”

A typical consecutive degree would take 6 years to complete; 4 years for the undergraduate and 2 years for the Bachelor of Education degree.

Valuable placement experience

Placements offer Laurentian students a real-world and immersive experience to refine their teaching skills. Crang says, “Students receive their first placement in the 3rd year of the program. Because they are still attending classes, students will do their placements in one of the publicly funded schools in Sudbury.”

In the 5th year of the program students are exclusively taking Education courses, and at the end of their 4th and 5th years, they can do their placements in their home communities or with any other school board in the province. Crang says, “Many of our students do placements in their home communities where they have the support of family and friends and are often mentored by former teachers.”

Faculty of Education placements are a fantastic blend of learning and community enrichment. The students bring fresh ideas and energy to the classrooms, while the communities gain educators eager to make a difference.


Slowing the brain drain

Once they graduate, students are often drawn to jobs in the bigger cities. However, Laurentian’s placement program helps curb the brain drain in remote areas by creating a bridge between future educators and the smaller communities that need them most. Crang says, “Because there is a shortage of teachers in the province, student placement is a gateway to opportunities and connections to well-paying jobs with great benefits.”

Laurentian’s placement program makes it easy for students to go to smaller communities because they apply for placement at any school board in Ontario. Placement is not just about learning to teach, it’s about connecting with students, understanding diverse needs, and professional growth. Placements set the stage for a rewarding career and enrich the lives of students and the communities.


Bridging Cultures

Laurentian’s Bachelor of Education program puts a significant emphasis on Indigenous culture and inclusivity. The university has a unique Tricultural Mandate and many of its courses focus on Indigenous culture, language, tradition, history, and contributions. Crang says, “Laurentian’s BEd program integrates Indigenous perspectives into the curriculum, ensuring that future teachers understand and respect Indigenous culture and weave it into their teaching practices.”

Many Indigenous students have graduated from the Education program and have made significant contributions to their communities. Crang says, “Laurentian has a placement partnership with a First Nations’ School in Moose Factory. After their placement last year, four teaching graduates loved the community so much that they chose to take jobs teaching in Moose Factory.”

Along with teaching, they’re also involved in organizing extracurricular activities, coaching sports teams, and supervising band and drama classes. Laurentian’s Education graduates are natural leaders of young people.


French hybrid program

If individuals have been dreaming of earning a Bachelor of Éducation degree but balancing a full-time job, family, and studies make it difficult, Laurentian has an innovative 2-year Education program offered exclusively in French. The online courses are designed to let students stay where they are. There is no need to uproot their life or leave their community.

The program is a game-changer for professionals, allowing more residents in Northern Ontario to become qualified educators without the disruption of relocating. It blends online courses with occasional in-person sessions. Laurentian University’s approach not only supports personal development but also strengthens the educational fabric of communities across the North.


Promoting Lifelong Learning

Laurentian’s Continual Education program encourages professional development, growth, and a passion for lifelong learning. Crang says, “Our program provides education to teachers from across the province who want to upgrade their professional qualifications. It allows teachers to develop their knowledge and skills in divisions or subjects for which they are already qualified or to acquire knowledge in other subjects.”

The dynamic nature of education requires teachers to be continuous learners, always evolving and adapting to better serve their students.


Journey to being a change-maker

Laurentian University’s Bachelor of Education program is more than a pathway to becoming a teacher. Laurentian prepares its education graduates to drive positive change where they live and work.

These future educators not only graduate with a degree, but with a mission to inspire, uplift, and transform the lives of their students and their communities.

Discover the educational opportunities and career possibilities in Laurentian University’s Faculty of Education program.