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Views from Section 8 - Leading up to the Air Canada Cup

"Views from Section 8" is a new column written by Don "Butch" Turcotte. The former Trappers Junior "A" coach and father of former NHLer and Skyhawks assistant coach Darren Turcotte will be chiming in with his thoughts here on

"Views from Section 8" is a new column written by Don "Butch" Turcotte. The former Trappers Junior "A" coach and father of former NHLer and Skyhawks assistant coach Darren Turcotte will be chiming in with his thoughts here on Enjoy!

The year (1982-1983) following the Loblaws Cup was sort of an off-year for the Pinehill hockey team. Our captain from the Loblaws Dean Harvey and the first line left winger Tim Bean decided that they would continue their hockey days playing at a Junior A level in the Provincial Junior Hockey League. Doug Taylor opted not to continue playing at the AAA level. It was reported in the last article that only 8 players from the inaugural Pinehill team (1978-1979) were members of the Major Bantam team (Tim Bean, Mike Gillies, Dean Harvey, Brent Bywater, Darren Turcotte, Doug Taylor, Kevin Kerr and Billie McMillan). Mike Gillies was not with the Bantam team and the eigth player should have been Jamie Blanchard. Now with Bean, Harvey and Taylor leaving the team that left 5 players that were with the club for 5 seasons starting in 1978-1979. It was decided to add a few major Midget players to complement our roster for our first Midget season. These second year midget players were added to the roster -- Mike Ricci (goal), Terry Hargraves, Andy Vanschie, Brad Webkamigad and Albert Peltier. The team goal was have an enjoyable learning year that would prepare our first year players for their major Midget year and the Air Canada Cup Midget Championship which was awarded later that year to the City because of the successful Loblaws Cup tournament.

In the meantime the North Bay Minor Hockey AAA programs increased in categories as the hockey people could see the value of the program at that level of competition that the Pinehill team had initiated so North Bay could compete with the other major centers (Sudbury, Sault Ste. Marie and Timmins) at the AAA level. There were now 7 teams at the AAA level. The Minor Atom team (Hal's Marine) was coached by Ross Klager and managed by Keith Blewitt, the Major Atom club (Deluxe Bus Lines) was coached by Maurice Brunette and managed by Brian Giroux, the Minor Peewee team (Acklands Bumper to Bumper) was coached by Bill Wright and managed by Phil Taylor, the Major Peewee team (Contractors) was coached by Gord McGuinty and Jeff McCann, the Minor Bantam team (Broadloom by Todd) was coached by Lui Ricci and managed by Dick Prescott, the Major Bantam team (Ramada Inn) was coached by Steve Parks and managed by Guy Clement and the Midget entry (Pinehill) was coached by Butch Turcotte and Guy Blanchard.

The McDonald's AAA November tournament increased to 8 categories: Minor Atoms (4 teams), Major Atoms (4 teams), Minor Peewees (5 teams), Major Peewees (10 teams), Minor Bantams (7 teams), Major Bantams (11 teams), Minor Midgets (9 teams) and the Major Midgets (12 teams). The tournament became a popular weekend for the AAA level teams. The tournament eventually became a two weekend event and team headquarters were lodged as far south as the Caswell resort in Sundridge, east to Myrt's in Mattawa and west to the Sturgeon Lodge. Notable future NHL players from the 1982 tournament program included: Cory Stillman, Ralph Intranouvo, Derian Hatcher, Joe Korab, Doug Weight, Chris Armstrong, Jason York, Shawn Simpson, Adam Burt, Denny Felsner, Marc Laforge, Rob Zettler, Mike Wolak, Jimmy Carson, Craig Wolanin, Ron Tugnutt,Darren Turcotte, Kay Whitmore, Kevin Hatcher, Al Iafrate, Paul Maurice, Tony Hrkac, Murray Nystrom and Scott Mellanby amongst others. Besides those that went on to NHL careers you can be sure that many other participants benifited from the competition that was offered by these elite programs. Those were the days...

Next article on the Pinehill team will feature the Air Canada Cup team selection and the oversea's trip to Finland, Sweden and Russia. Look forward to that one. To follow that article will be the Road to the Air Canada Cup. Stay tuned...


One January day in the 82-83 season the two First Nations players from Wikwemikong (Manitoulin Island), Albert and Brad, approached the coaching staff and asked for a leave of absence in order to do some ice fishing. Butch and Guy said, "Alright, leave your equipment bags with us and in the meantime if we find a player to fill your spot you may be out of luck when your fishing days are over."

Both boys returned a couple of weeks later and with their bags waiting for them.

Gerry Martin, now a local police constable, failed again in his attempt to make the Pinehill roster. He knew he was close and he was a regular at tryout camp almost every year knowing that all fall camps were wide open to all.


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