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Master's Bonspiel attracted 112 senior curlers

The organizing committee recognized Jack and Bea Lockhart with the Milt Colyer Award for their many years of volunteer service to the club

The Deacon Wealth Management Master's Bonspiel this past week involved 112 senior (60 years+) curlers, (28 teams)  from SSM, Elliott Lake, Sudbury, New Liskeard, Powassan and of course North Bay.

It took place at the North Bay Granite Club from Jan. 21-23.

At the banquet last night, the organizing committee recognized Jack and Bea Lockhart with the Milt Colyer Award for their many years of volunteer service to the club. In addition to their many years of participation as curlers. Jack has 65 years of curling at the Granite Club and Bea was a competitive Ladies' curler. They also organized and sponsored mixed curling bonspiels for 25 years at the club.

Also recognized at the event as special guests were Fran Wilson and Wally Kearney, both whom volunteered for years at the club. 

During the event these last three days, organizers also held a silent auction in support of the North Bay Food Bank.

Over $850 was raised in support of the Food Bank, and a cheque was handed to Mark Deacon, Chair of the Food Bank by Steve Banducci, a member of the committee that organized that component of the bonspiel. 

Entertainment at the banquet was provided by Uke4ia, a local Ukelele group. 

The winning team of the "A" event at this bonspiel was Team Mayer from Sudbury.