Tim Lowe has taken on multiple positions in the sports scene in North Bay but his latest challenge is something brand new.
From head coach to convenor, from the school level to the provincial level, Tim began coaching on his first day as a teacher at Ecole Secondaire Algonquin, and since then, he has not stopped even after retirement.
There are not many roles Lowe has not taken in his more than 30 years as a teacher and coach.
His latest challenge is taking on the role of chairman for the North Bay Sports Hall of Fame, taking over for longtime chair Bill Jacko.
"I think the idea is once I retired two years ago from teaching and coaching at the school, I still felt I had something to give back to the community," he said.
"North Bay is my home and filling positions on boards. It's kind of like my gig, I guess.
"For the past three years, I've sat as a as a member of the Sports Hall of Fame. And with Bill Jacko moving from North Bay, he still sits on the board, he gave up the chair and the groups thought it wise to choose me as the new chair," added Lowe, who is also a longtime billet parent with the North Bay Battalion.
See related: Lowe wins Jim Aspin Memorial Award
Lowe, who has won multiple North Bay Sports Hall of Fame annual awards; most recently he was named the 2022 recipient of the Jim Aspin Memorial Award for Executive of the Year.
Awards different from induction
Lowe enjoys this new challenge. He points out that some annual award winners get confused that winning the annual award means they are inducted into the North Bay Sports Hall of Fame too.
Lowe says those are two very different things.
"What has happened in the past and unbeknownst to them they are winning an award but they think they are getting elected into the Hall of Fame which is obviously two different things because it is held at the same dinner," noted Lowe.
"We really want to highlight who's getting inducted into the Hall of Fame. but also shining a light on current people that are winning awards, whether it's through, sports achievements in different areas."
Lowe says the Hall of Fame also has a subcommittee led by Barb Olmsted who works specifically on the annual award winners.
All award winners will be presented with their awards at the 44th Annual Induction and Awards Dinner to be held in May 2025.