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Jan Shulman Deadlift Challenge

On Sunday morning the 71-year-old athlete made four perfect lifts to end with 95 kilos (210 lbs) for an unofficial World record.
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The inaugural Jan Shulman Deadlift Challenge took place at the YMCA of North Bay on Sunday. A total of 68 participants went for personal records in an effort to raise funds for the Y’s annual “Strong Kids” campaign.

Thanks to the generous local sponsors, including Burger World, Popeye’s Supplements, The Escape Movement, and Tiny and Tuff clothing, lifters were able to walk away with certificates and a number of prizes. In addition, trophies were awarded to the top kilo-for-kilo performances in the various competition groupings. The event featured three age categories, with athletes further divided by gender and competition experience (Novice or Veterans)

      In the Master division, for lifters, 40 years and over, the top veteran female was Kim Crumpton from the CFB North Bay powerlifting team. Kim made a top lift of 105 kilos. Kim holds the Master 3 (60-69 years) Canadian Powerlifting Union record in the deadlift; she tied it on the day. In the male veteran category, Brent Cecchini, of New Liskeard, did a 245 kilo (540 lb) deadlift while weighing 104.8 kilos. He scored 201.56 Wilks formula points. The runner-up by formula was North Bay Valhalla team lifter Scott Shulman. Shulman had a top lift of 230 kilos (507 lbs.), at a bodyweight of 91.1 kilos, for 197.75 Wilks points.

In the Master novice categories, the top lifters were Trista Bernier and Jay Guerton. Guerton, managed a top lift of 180 kilos (397 lbs). Meanwhile, fitness expert, Trista Bernier, pulled 130 kilos (287 lbs.) in her first ever lifting competition.

The Open aged division (20-39 years) drew the most participants and featured some outstanding performances. Of note, the veteran male champion, Matt Hardy, had the top lift of the day when he stood up with 285 kilos (630 lbs.) on his fourth and final attempt. Hardy of North Bay, by way of England, weighed in at 101 kilos and scored 172.77 Wilks points. The female open veteran line-up was very deep, and the top lifter was determined on the last attempts. In the end Jennifer McConnell, of the Valhalla club, lifted 137.5 kilos (303 lbs) at a bodyweight of 58.7 kilos to take the title. The runner-up was Amber Perron of the Norsemen and Valkyries Weightlifting team with a lift of 135 kilos at a bodyweight of 69.7 kilos.

In the Open novice categories, the top lifters were Jeremy Courchesne and Dominique Thibeault. Courchesne weighed 84.9 kilos and was successful with 212.5 kilos (470 lbs). Dominique had a series of four perfect lifts ending up with a top mark of 130 kilos.

The last division of the day was for Juniors, 14 to 19 years of age. Taylor Dewal of the Canadore Panthers powerlifters won the trophy for female veteran lifters with a hoist of 127.5 kilos (281 lbs) at a bodyweight of 68.7. The male champion was Devon Lauzon, of the Valhalla club. Lauzon weighed 77.7 kilos, and pulled 192.5 kilos (424 lbs), for 133.92 Wilks points.

In the Junior novice grouping, Steph Lee was the female winner and Duncan Weischaar was the top male. Lee deadlifted 80 kilos (176 lbs.) and Eschar had a top lift of 167.5 (369 lbs.).

Though Jan Shulman was the honorary chairperson of the Deadlift Challenge, she also lifted in the contest as a guest performer. At present, Jan holds the International Powerlifting Federation’s World record in the female Master 4 Category, 53-kilo class, with a deadlift of 93 kilos. On Sunday morning the 71-year-old athlete made four perfect lifts to end with 95 kilos (210 lbs) for an unofficial World record.

This event was a joint venture of the Valhalla powerlifting team, and the Norsemen and Valkyries Weightlifting club, with support from students of Canadore College’s Strength and Sport Conditioning program. The final donation amount for the Y Strong Kids campaign will be in excess of  $1500.00.


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