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Cecil's Eatery and Beer Society Battalion Game 7 Viewing Party

With the Battalion game 7 sold out, fans who want to go out and watch the game can do just that at Cecil’s Eatery and Beer Society as they will be broadcasting game 7 of the Battalion vs.

With the Battalion game 7 sold out, fans who want to go out and watch the game can do just that at Cecil’s Eatery and Beer Society as they will be broadcasting game 7 of the Battalion vs. Ice Dogs Tuesday night at the downtown bar and restaurant. 

“We’ve been showing all the home and away games on the big screens all year long,” said owner John Lechlitner.  

“Since the game is sold out we thought it would be a good ideas to remind Battalion fans without game 7 tickets, that they can watch the game for free with us.”

Cecil’s offers 10 percent discounts on game days for fans who show their ticket stubs at Ceci'ls after games.  

On Tuesday they will be offering a special Game 7 Platter for patrons. 

Puck drop is set for 7 pm at Memorial Gardens.


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