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SMITH, Elaine (Osmond)



Elizabeth and James Osmond welcomed their daughter, Elaine Louise, into their family in St. John’s, Newfoundland on November 30, 1942. Elaine was happily greeted by her older siblings Lloyd, Clive, June and David. Eighty-one years later, on June 19, 2024 these same siblings and other family members grieved the passing of their loved one, Elaine Louise Osmond-Smith of Cache Bay, Ontario, Canada. 

As an adventurous and gifted three- year-old, Elaine was taken by her older siblings to the local radio station so she could sing live “on air.” She spent all of her life singing and was often a soloist for community and church events in the cities in which she lived. Her gifts were not limited to singing. She was also a natural leader, a newspaper columnist, a leader of Anglican Junior Youth, a public speaker, and a teacher of both children and adults at church. While living in Orillia, Ontario, summer was undoubtedly her favourite time of year, for it was then that she could organize and lead one of the local Vacation Bible Schools. Her talents were not only local but reached much farther afield through her work with ADRA - Adventist Development and Relief Agency. ADRA is a global disaster relief agency which is often a first responder in times of great need. These are only a few of her many, many efforts to engage in her community and serve her family and the God she loved. Many activities and hobbies occupied Elaine’s time - reading, bible study, writing, drawing, swimming, cycling, sewing and knitting are just a few. Above all, she loved and enjoyed her family. 

As a vivacious, beautiful, young women Elaine caught the eye of William Jones, whom she married in April 1960. They had two daughters, Vanessa Anne, and Carolyn Elizabeth. Several years later their marriage sadly ended in divorce. Yet, her adventurous spirit was undaunted, so she and her girls moved to Oshawa, Ontario where Elaine furthered her education at Kingsway College. There she met Daniel Edmund Smith of Orillia, Ontario. They married on September 2, 1973 and welcomed their son Daniel James Smith into the family the following year.  

Elaine Louise Osmond-Smith will always be missed by those who knew her and loved her. These include her family and many others. Surviving: husband, Daniel E. Smith and son Daniel J. Smith of Cache Bay, Ontario; daughters, Vanessa A. Shipowick (nee Jones) and her husband Dr. David G. Shipowick of Spokane, WA, USA and Carolyn E. Stevenson (nee Jones) of Spokane, WA, USA; siblings, Lloyd M. Osmond and Jeanette Osmond (nee Rowe) of St John’s, NL, Clive E. Osmond and Clara Brake of South Branch, NL, June E. Walters (nee Osmond) and Hazen Walters of Gander, NL, David J. G. Osmond and Eileen Keates of King’s Point, NL. Also surviving are, six grandchildren, four great-grandchildren and many nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by her dearly loved parents, Elizabeth Sarah Osmond (1909-1990) and James George Osmond (1907-1979), of St John’s, NL.  

McGuinty’s Funeral Home in Sturgeon Falls, Ontario cared for the deceased. Later, a private memorial service was held in Elaine’s honour at her home in Cache Bay, Ontario. She will be further honoured, and interred at Riverside Memorial Park in Spokane, WA, USA. 

Elaine is now hidden with Christ in God and when Christ appears, then she also will appear with him in glory. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so, shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words. (Paraphrase of Colossians 3:3 NIV and 1Thessalonians 4:16-18 KJV)     

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