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Sometimes, if you are lucky, someone extraordinary comes into your life to stay awhile.

We were that lucky.

To know Pete was to love him, or at least have a pretty funny story to tell.  He saw the world with fresh eyes everyday.

He forgot nothing. The most resourceful human ever, he was who you wanted to be stranded with if an apocalypse was abrewing.  He found a purpose for everything, whether it was the wooden kitchen chairs that he thought would be perfect in the canoe, to the oven element he magically produced one Thanksgiving, that he had saved from 1998, just for this reason.

Pete was funny. His sense of humour was legendary. You didn't chuckle with him, you laughed out loud. His stories usually included real events mixed with some slight exaggerations, and often the punch line of unrelated stories.

Pete was a gentle, honourable man who loved Hallowe'en, the Leafs and sitting on the back deck with his dogs Lucy and Tugboat, coffee cup in hand.

But far more than this, Pete loved his family.

And we love him back-to infinity and beyond.

He often teared up talking about his children. No father was more proud than he was. He was there for every TOROS play, every hockey game . He was easy to spot at every graduation, as he was the one needing the Kleenex.                                                                                                                                                               

Pete will be deeply missed by his wife and soulmate of 46 years, Kim, his Kids- Erin, Kayley, Dylan, Andrew Whittle, Genya Kuchtaruk, his grandkids- Zoë and Shea Whittle, his family; Sally and Dan Messier, Deirdre and Frank Leef, Linda and Wayne Purdon, Rick and MaryLou Peddle, Les and Wendy Warner, Bob and Sylvia Moore, and Colleen Murphy.

Also missed by his fur babies; Lucy, Tugboat, Bauer, Roo, Frank (the Butler), and Otis. Pete is now reunited and sipping coffee with his beloved father in law, John C. Moore (Edie Gordon).

We cannot comprehend that we will have to carry on without him.  To say that we will miss him is a great understatement.

There will never be another human like Pete...but anyways.

We will love him forever. 

In honouring Pete's wishes there will be no visitation or service at this time.

Memories and Condolences