Terézia (Theresa) Erzébet Pataky 1931- 2025
It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Terézia (Theresa) Erzébet Pataky, on March 2, 2025 at Algonquin Nursing Home Mattawa.
She is now happily reunited with her husband László Pataky (2020) and her son Les Pataky (2003).
Survived by her daughter-in-law Meta Pataky and granddaughters Catheline Pataky (Bill) and Charleen Pataky (Cordell). Sadly missed by her 9 great-grandchildren: Cody, Ethan, Mia, Sydney, Jessica, Jolene, Jodi, Jack and Jade.
Theresa was a special lady, who did everything possible to make those around her happy. She loved to be outside in the garden, making everything look beautiful.
Thank you to the amazing nurses and PSWs at Algonquin Nursing Home in Mattawa for providing Theresa with such amazing care.
Special thank you to Bob and Linda and Charles for the friendship and care that you provided to Theresa even after she had moved away. The family is very grateful for everything you have done.
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