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Our son, our brother, our friend Keith, has passed his trials on this Earth. Not many can say that they have lived a life so fraught with challenge; being dealt a hand many would fold on their own accord. His challenges that brought him fear and discomfort did not distort the beautiful person that resided within. Though his life was cut short, he lived life more than most. 

Keith was born on June 25th 1987 in Glasgow, Scotland, to Sharon Niskanen and Martin Cusick. He moved to Toronto, Canada in 1989 with his mother and brother, Lee. They stayed with his Poppa, Albert Niskanen, until 1992 when they moved to Timmins, Ontario. Much of Keith's childhood memories are from Timmins, mostly Barbers Bay and Porcupine. These places are where he would meet his childhood friends that he cared deeply about. 

Though Keith had challenges during his childhood, there were also moments of joy. His mom always found ways to get her boys the things they needed, but went out of her way to get them what they wanted for Christmas. She always managed to make it special.

Keith's first true labour was mental illness. Teenage years are already difficult, but the additions of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia are unimaginable. Living with just one of these afflictions is a tremendous feat, nevermind both. Unfortunately, this labour would strip Keith of his first love, his son, and some of his dearest friends.

Keith's adult life was his second labour; a continual struggle between his disorders and reality. As a Niskanen, he was a natural survivor, dealing with the voices and his perceptions and the bitter facts of life on the street. He did not do this alone thankfully. He had family and old friends trying to support him, but also new true friends that also saw the light inside Keith.

Keith's duels with the diseases were difficult for him and his surrounding loved ones, but he still always had a shimmer of light and good inside him that could not be extinguished. Those bright moments in his life that he shared with others are what we hope he is always remembered for.

Keith will be loved and understood by his mother, father, brother, half brother, Martin, half sister, Natasha, uncles, aunts, cousins, nephews, nieces, and friends. As his mother said, "My beautiful boy, and when you are ready to raise your arms and inhale the energy to absorb the wings that will take you into the arms of loved ones gone before. Tara." May he find peace and happiness forever more. Online condolences at

Memories and Condolences