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2020, a year in sweat pants

'It has taken some adjustment but I am truly looking forward to the day soon when we can cover events normally once again'
Chris Dawson in his traditional COVID-19 BayToday work day outfit. Photo courtesy Leah Dawson.

As a guy who started out in the television industry as a reporter/anchor, I always made it a golden rule when I cover any events to make sure I would wear a collared dress shirt or a collared golf shirt when I was covering any type of media event; whether it was a media conference at city hall or a hockey game at Memorial Gardens.  

Well, I hate to admit it - or maybe I don't - but those times have taken a total 180-degree turn in 2020 and I guess now as we enter the beginning of 2021. 

Instead of rushing through a quick breakfast to get to the office or cover an event, now the day consists of our daily zoom meeting around 9:15 a.m. and then working on a lab top in comfy clothes for the rest of the workday. 

I can say that spending all that time at home and not going out and about really seemed to help blend the days because they were all the same really.  

For a reporter, this type of new environment can be a challenge. To get a good news story, you need to talk to people. Doing an online zoom call (I would put on a collared shirt for!) and asking questions just isn't that same as that face to face or socially distanced face to face interaction that we have been so accustomed to. 

I recall the first few days of the lockdown in March when our editor, Jeff Turl, asked me to go out and get a couple of pictures! I think it was the first time I had driven my car in over 10 days. It was exciting, just getting out and getting a shot of Colonel Hoagies and I believe one of the local grocery stores.   

It has taken some adjustment but I am truly looking forward to the day soon when we can cover events normally once again. 

I do also want to note that we have been lucky with our position at BayToday. Not only from an economic stance that we have actually grown as a business in 2020 and added another reporter but the fact that the adjustments we have had to make pale in comparison to the efforts and sacrifices made and how workplaces have had to adapt for frontline workers in North Bay. 

So while I am thankful for my job, I am also thankful for them.   

On the same token, I am also thankful for my comfy sweat pants!  


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