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Your tree, your responsibility. No Christmas tree curbside pick-up

Christmas trees are being accepted at Public Works yard on Franklin Street until the second week of January

A reminder that once again this year, there will be no curbside pickup for Christmas trees in the City of North Bay.

People will need to find a way to bring their discarded tree to the public works yard on Franklin Street, where a trailer is available on-site for trees to be dropped off at no cost.

The trailer will be available until the second week of January.

In the past, crews drove around the city looking for trees left at the curbside. However, the City says this was a costly and time-consuming process.

At one time it was a $10,000 line item in the budget. 

Before you drop the tree off, all decorations must be removed.  

Traditionally, the trees get stockpiled, and in the spring, are turned into mulch for use around the city.



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