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UPDATE: Wow, early explosion rocks the city!

Turns out to be a quarry blast at the end of Birch's Road in the West Ferris area of the city

Update 2 p.m.

"Natural Resources Canada reported earlier today that the North Bay area experienced an earthquake. I have followed up with seismologist from NRC and based on information and evidence they have acknowledged that the vibrations detected from their equipment would have been from the blasting at the quarry.

Jason Whiteley 
Fire Chief


Update: 11:15

The shaking experienced this morning appears to have been an earthquake, not the quarry blast.

UPDATE 10:29 a.m.

Jodie Geisler, General Manager of the Miller Paving North Bay operation told BayToday that the blast this morning was just a normal explosion that happens once or twice per year to loosen rock for the quarry located at the end of Birch's road in the south end of the city.

"Conspec did the blast and everything went well. It was a normal yearly blast that we do around this area," explained Geisler. "The seismographs were within limits and there wasn't anything out of the ordinary so it was a normal blast.

Geisler says there was never a danger to the public.

"We blasted this material for the highway 11 job south of North Bay. They are redoing the highway from where they ended last year down to Callander, so this material is being blasted and crushed."

Geisler says being a bright, cloudless day was perfect for the blast, explaining low cloud can make the explosion seem bigger. He also says rock veins running through the city can transmit the vibrations.

"This morning a blast shook all parts of the City and was felt as far as Astorville," said Fire Chief Jason Whiteley. "City Departments and the customer service centre were inundated with inquiries. Fire crews confirmed that Miller Paving at their Birch's Road quarry executed a controlled blast to produce aggregate for their upcoming highway project. City of North Bay Departments were unaware that the blasting was to take place today, therefore we could not make the public aware."


A loud explosion that shook North Bay and Callander residents around 9:10 this morning is nothing to worry about.

BayToday phones were flooded with calls from people wondering what had happened.

Many thought it was a gas explosion, others a plane or train crash.

Turns out to be a quarry blast at the end of Birch's Road in the West Ferris area of the city.

Police say Miller Paving conducted the blast and it is the only one scheduled today.

Sue Buckle from the conservation Authority told BayToday,"We heard and felt the blast this morning up here at NBMCA. Took this shot from the tower about five minutes after."


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