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What do you think is the 'Story of the Year'?

What stands out to you?
20180707 north bay water tower sign turl
What do you think was the story of the year? Jeff Turl/BayToday.

A lot happened in BayToday's coverage area in 2019, but what was the single biggest story of the year? 

At a lot of news organizations, a few reporters gather to decide for you what they think is the biggest story, but we want to put that decision in the hands of those whose lives were actually affected by the events of 2019, you our readers.

What stands out to you?

Some things to consider might be the impact the story has, not just in the city, but more broadly. What are the story's implications? Did it create widespread interest/controversy? How about its uniqueness?

Last year's winner, by a wide margin, and chosen by BayToday readers was "FOI filed by private citizen reveals details of CAO Knox departure" with 1,850 votes cast, with the Freedom of Information story, garnered 431 votes, or about 24 per cent of the total.

You may have one, not on the list, but you can discuss that in our comments section.

We've set up a poll you can find elsewhere on our main page. What do you think? Take our poll now.

  1. Ongoing sexual harassment and abuse scandal at Canadore College

  2. Fire destroys two buildings in downtown North Bay

  3. Spring flooding causes widespread damage (Mattawa, Jocko Point, North Bay)

  4. Opioid deaths on the rise

  5. Crime up in city says MacLean’s

  6. Homelessness/Mayor’s Round Table

  7. Teacher strikes

  8. Another big municipal tax Increases

  9. Warming centre closes and re-opens

  10. New Police chief named after Devine resignation

  11. Long term health care/hospital protests

  12. New twin pad goes to Omischl after lengthy study and debate

  13. Human trafficking

  14. Snowfall sets records

  15. Massive Temiscaming fire destroys eight homes

  16. Splash pad opens

  17. Funding for films increases, industry thrives

  18. Cassellholme expansion gets green light

  19. North Bay pot outlet, Tokyo smoke, awarded to Toronto divorce lawyer

  20. State of North Bay’s downtown

  21. Anthony Rota re-elected and named House Speaker

  22. Casino construction started on Pinewood Park Drive


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