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VILLAGE VIDEO: Hungry bear cub helps himself to birdfeeder

Live in bear country? It's time to remove your bird feeders, folks!

This video of a young black bear helping himself to a snack in a backyard in Sudbury demonstrates something folks who live in bear country know.

Bird feeders should only be used in the winter months. Once spring comes, the birds will find plenty of food in the wild.

Items such as garbage and bird feed can draw bears to populated areas. 

Got bears in your neighbourhod? Take care by:

•    Storing garbage in waste containers with tight-fitting lids 
•    Putting out garbage only on the morning of pickup 
•    Filling bird feeders, including seed, suet and nectar only during the winter when bears are hibernating 
•    Cleaning food residue and removing grease from outdoor barbecue grills after each use 
•    Keeping pet food indoors.

Do you have an interesting, funny or heartwarming video that you think we should see? Email it to [email protected]

In the coming weeks, Village Media will be running a series of videos meant to enlighten or entertain you while we all go through this period of COVID-19 isolation. We hope you enjoy!


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