Family members huddled outside West Ferris Intermediate and Secondary School for 90 minutes, frantically trying to reach their loved ones while checking social media for updates. Rumour swirled outside the school as students were placed in a lockdown situation just before the final bell on Thursday.
Acting Sergeant Darcy Wall emerged from the school around 4:30 p.m. and addressed the crowd waiting in the school's front parking lot (see video above).
See related: West Ferris school under late afternoon lockdown (UPDATE)
North Bay Police Service officers and the Emergency Response Team armed with C8 carbine rifles raced to the school and entered just after 3 p.m. There were plenty of smiles and, tears too, from students and families alike as they met up after the police finally cleared them to leave the building. Students reported locking themselves in classrooms and closets. Some were ushered into the gym locker rooms. Reports of weapons and arrests have been unsubstantiated by NBPS but the police service will have an update on the situation at West Ferris.

BayToday will update this story.