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UPDATE: application withdrawn-Alarm sounded for LaVase River historic route

The shoreline on the right-hand side of this picture will be affected by new mining work. Theoretically the mining company could clear trees and blast halfway down the height of the hill under its new application. Submitted photo.

The shoreline on the right-hand side of this picture will be affected by new mining work. Theoretically the mining company could clear trees and blast halfway down the height of the hill under its new application. Submitted photo.

Late this afternoon Baytoday learned that the local agent for Aecon, Don T. Fudge of Fudge & Associates has withdrawn the application.

"Given the opposition to our proposed exploration program I am withdrawing the application. We will not proceed with the programme." Fudge says in an email.

Chris Mayne was happy to hear the news.

"Friends of La Vase Portages were delighted to hear that the recent exploratory mining permit application from Aecon has now been withdrawn," he said.

"At the same time they look forward to working with the MNDM and MNR to see that more permanent protection of the historic canoe route can be achieved. Significant to the withdrawal of the mining claim were local citizen comments and especially the strong voice of concern raised by Nipissing First Nation Chief Mariana Couchie. Thank you to everyone who let their concerns be known."


A small local environmental group is gearing up for a fight against the giant Aecon Mining company.

"Friends of La Vase Portages" is bracing for new blasting and exploratory mining work along the historic Voyageur canoe route through North Bay.

The group's website says "Aecon Mining Inc. has filed with the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines to expand aggregate mining operations in the area, and concerns are being raised about destruction of the natural setting of one of the most historic canoe routes in Canada". 

"It destroys the natural setting," Friends member Chris Mayne told BayToday.

"It's the last undeveloped section of the LaVase portage. It's a beautiful place to paddle. Leave it in its natural state for everyone to enjoy in the future."

This photo shows the Miller quarry just to the south of the area Aecon is looking to develop. Submitted photo.

Aggregate quarrying is not new to the area as two aggregate operations are already active nearby but the proposed exploratory blasting and clearing would impact the last undeveloped section of La Vase Portages along Coopers Lake.

The conservation minded group was optimistic about the canoe routes future as the Province of Ontario had recently accepted a future rerouting of Highway 17 that would have spared the Upper Portages but the same area may now be subject to aggregate extraction.

Comments can be made to the MNDM at and are due by today, April 22

Ministry website:

So today is the last day to file objections to the Ministry website, however Mayne says it has agreed to extend the deadline by another 20 days but it has to be emailed in, rather than through the website.

On its website

under the title Corporate Social Responsibility, it states AGI and its subsidiaries will conduct business in a safe, socially responsible and ethical manner.

•  AGI will integrate community investment considerations into decision-making and business
•  AGI will learn from, respect and support the communities and cultures in which it conducts
  its business.
•  AGI recognizes the ‘triple bottom line’ (environmental, social and economic) benefits
  of CSR & Sustainability initiatives.

An Aecon's corporate communications spokesperson later responded to BayToday's request for futher information, saying a comment would be forthcoming Thursday.



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