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Ticketing vehicles will be business as usual

Parking enforcers to be re-upped for five more years

With the City's existing contract for parking enforcement and security services with The Canadian Corps of Commissionaires set to expire at the end of this month, a public Request for Proposal (RFP) has resulted in a recommendation that the City of North Bay employs the same company for the next five years.

Manager of Purchasing Paul Valenti and By-Law Enforcement Coordinator Ron Melnyk presented their findings as part of the Committee Meeting at City Council Monday.

The two gave the opinion that a contract for five years worth $783,547.75 (plus HST) should be awarded to the currently employed company.

The first year of the contract is estimated to cost $151,437 (plus HST). This figure would represent a 1% increase over the current contract price. The remaining four years have a built-in 1.5% increase per year.

The public RFP saw seven companies bid to secure the contract. The committee evaluated the companies based on various criteria including price, organization background and management approach.

The Canadian Corps of Commissionaires will continue their duties without interruption. Included in their mandate are parking by-law foot patrols in the downtown area, mobile enforcement in all other areas, overnight security at the City Marina, as well as security at City Hall and outside the Provincial Offences Courtroom.

The company is also responsible for enforcement at high-volume and sometimes hotly disputed sites such as Memorial Gardens and at City fields and sporting venues.

Stu Campaigne

About the Author: Stu Campaigne

Stu Campaigne is a full-time news reporter for, focusing on local politics and sharing our community's compelling human interest stories.
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