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Splash pad gaining steam

Efforts to build a splash pad at the North Bay waterfront are building momentum, with an eye to an opening at the beginning of next summer.

Efforts to build a splash pad at the North Bay waterfront are building momentum, with an eye to an opening at the beginning of next summer.

Co-chair of North Bay Splash Pad Initiative committee Dylan Allison told BayToday that, "We are planning a groundbreaking ceremony, hopefully for some time in August.

"Hopefully we'll have shovels in the ground by late fall and be up and running by next summer."

Weekly meetings are taking place and everything has been presented to the city and the group is getting ready to present officially to city council. Co-chair of the committee is Phill Orton.

Estimated cost of the pad is $600,000, with the amount collected by public fundraising.

A concert August 2nd will raise awareness and collect donations. Allison hopes other events and corporate sponsors will make up the balance.

"It's gonna happen. I don't know how and I don't know when but I'm not going to stop until it's done," Allison said.

The Rotary Clubs are putting a big effort in to the initiative.

"They're supporting it 100 per cent. Without Rotary nothing will happen," Allison explained. 

The favoured site right now is behind the Discovery North Bay Museum. Photo by Jeff Turl.

"All the infrastructure is already put in. In the original design there was supposed to be a wading pool so drainage is there, water flow is there --- everything is ready to go."

Callander, Sundridge, Verner --- all have pads. Sudbury has 13, with more planned according to Allison.

Rotary spokesman Bill Hagborg agrees things are moving forward.

"It was part of the strategic plan with Friends of the Waterfront. There was an area set aside for a splash pad so what we're doing is both Rotary Clubs and Rotaract are combining forces.

"This is really the only project at the moment of any significant size within the community that we have on our list.Currrently we have a pledge of $125,000 towards the project so we're very confident that things will move along and we'll see the splashpad put in place."

The committee is also looking at other components to compliment the pad to make it a broader all-season site.

"One of the ideas is something that would make it year-round use --- there might be an outdoor skating area. We're trying to get ideas and input from the community," said Hagborg.

"Or goal is to announce something before the end of summer." 

To get more information go here: http://North Bay Splash Pad Initiative

To donate, go here:

Jeff Turl

About the Author: Jeff Turl

Jeff is a veteran of the news biz. He's spent a lengthy career in TV, radio, print and online, covering both news and sports. He enjoys free time riding motorcycles and spoiling grandchildren.
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