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Snow depth below normal

“The average snow depth for all sites is 77 per cent normal
20190315 snow depth guage
Shirley Skinner Conservation Area snow depth gauge. Courtesy NBMCA.

Snow depth and water content is below normal for this time of the year, reports the North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority (NBMCA) who measures snow depth and water content as part of its Flood Forecasting and Warning Program. 

“The average snow depth for all sites is 37.9 cm (77 per cent normal) and average water equivalence is 69.7 mm (67 per cent normal),” said Kurtis Romanchuk NBMCA’s Water Resources Engineer. The average snow depth was 84.6 cm and water equivalence was 148.3 mm for all sites in 2019.

Snow is measured for depth and water equivalence at three locations in the watershed


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