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SkyHawks Parachute team eager to perform at Armed Forces Day

Tuesday's celebrity tandem jumps were cancelled due to high winds.

Patrick Gilbert has hung outside of helicopters before but never jumped out of one.  

The well-known local photographer does not describe himself as an adrenaline junkie. 

"I don't think so, I'm just willing to do anything," said Gilbert. 

"I've been outside with the door off standing on the side but never jumped off so this is a first."  

Jaimee McKee, a reporter with CTV was the local media personality selected for this year's tandem parachute jump along with a handful of other dignitaries including Gilbert. 

The lucky group was looking forward to doing a tandem jump from 13,000 feet up with the SkyHawks parachute team. They arrived in North Bay in preparation to soar over the North Bay Waterfront on Armed Forces Day which takes place Wednesday morning. 

However, due to high winds, the Tuesday afternoon tandem jumps were cancelled. 

"It was too windy," said McKee. 

"We went up and came down."  

The members of the SkyHawks demonstration team are hoping the wind doesn't get in their way of putting on a show on Wednesday morning.  

Sgt. Pierre-Luc Champagne, who is from Montreal, is one of the team members.  

Sgt. Champagne says he took a parachute course in 2018.

He says becoming a SkyHawk was his dream. 

"It is important because we love skydiving and show what we can do in formation," he said. 

Corporal Hugo Smith is in his season year with the SkyHawks. 

He says to get on the team you are required to do at least 50 jumps and 50 free falls. 

The Val Cartier, Quebec native also eyed becoming a SkyHawk when he joined the Canadian Armed Forces a few years ago.    

"I joined the military to join the SkyHawks so prior to doing the military I was five years on the civilian side jumping," said Smith.  

Smith can't wait to jump again Wednesday morning with his team. 

"The hardest part is jumping out of the plane but after that, it is kind of like swimming, then the parachute opens then you land and as fast as you know it, it's done," he described. 

The SkyHawks parachute team performs at air shows, sporting events, and festivals across Canada and the United States.

"Assembling the team is a complex and difficult endeavour," the SkyHawks website explains 

"Team members are selected early in the year and undergo extensive training prior to the start of the season to ensure the highest level of professionalism and proficiency allowing them to perform complex parachute manoeuvres safely."

Festivities at the North Bay Waterfront are expected to begin at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday morning. 


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