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Shell does the right thing. Senior gets her money back

'I am happy to report that the station called me, to say that there was a $55 gift card at the station for me to pick up'
20180502 shell gas fisher st turl
Jeff Turl/BayToday

A 75-year-old local woman has taken on a giant corporation and won!

As we reported last week, Linda Conway was low on gas so pulled into the Shell station at Fisher and Chippewa.

See: Shell offers poor service to local senior

Shell recently started making customers prepay for gasoline, without warning and without signs on the pump announcing the change. Prepay has not been common in this area.

So when Conway pulled up to the pump she expected to fill up, then walk inside and pay, as is her habit.

Pressed for time to pick up her grandson from school, she hurried in to pay, but following her usual routine, jumped in her vehicle and drove away, without filling her tank.

Ten minutes later she realized her mistake and called the Shell Station to tell them what had happened and that she would return in half an hour to get the gasoline she had paid for.

To her shock, the attendant stated that he could not honour the purchase because someone else had taken the gasoline that she had paid for. It's worth noting that attendants are only supposed to turn on the pumps when they see the customer has returned to the pump, which Conway did not do. 

Conway asked to speak with the manager, but was told that the manager "does not speak to customers" adding from the management's point of view, they do not owe her the gas paid for, but the person who “stole” her gas does.

She called BayToday and we called Shell.

This week, Shell decided to do the right thing.

"I am happy to report that the station called me, (the attendant, not the manager) to say that there was a  $55. gift card at the station for me to pick up" said a very thankful Linda Conway.


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