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School bus details including pick up and drop off times and locations now available online

'The use of masks by riders is critical in order to mitigate risks to fellow riders and the driver'
2019 school bus winter turl
Plans for school busing are now available.

Students getting on school buses next month will be required to wear face masks.

That part of the guidelines published today on the Nipissing-Parry Sound Student Transportation Services website.

Since the interior space on a school bus varies in the size and number of seats available, the need to allow for two meters in all directions would seriously diminish the number of passengers permitted, so "the use of masks by riders is critical in order to mitigate risks to fellow riders and the driver," say guidelines.

Cloth masks will be provided to students who cannot afford one.

"In the event that a young student cannot be persuaded to keep their mask on, they may be seated on a bench by themselves using the back of the seat in front of them as a physical barrier. These situations should be reported to the principal upon arrival at the school, or to the parent if the event occurs on the ride home. Buses will be equipped with a small supply of spare masks in the event a student needs a replacement mask."

Prior to boarding the bus students have to sanitize their hands using alcohol-based sanitizer and parents need to reinforce the need to use good hygiene practices like coughing and sneezing into the student's sleeve.

Physical distancing at the pickup point is the responsibility of the student and parents.

Frequently touched surfaces like handrails, window sills, seats, and seatbacks will be cleaned a minimum of twice daily.

Guidelines say should a driver identify a student who is displaying symptoms of illness, "the student should be provided with a surgical-grade mask and seated alone in the first vacant row, to the right of the driver."

Upgraded software will require parents to create an account to access the transportation details including pick up and drop off times and locations.

Students must appear on the Route Manifest. Those that don't won't be permitted onto the bus.

"It is imperative that parents verify their child’s bussing details to ensure that they are included on the route manifest on that very special day; the first day of school."

Parents should go to beginning today to ensure that their child’s transportation details are accurate and contact their respective School Board Office or the NPSSTS should there be any issues.

See related: School bus drivers ask for safety protocols ahead of start of new year

And: Ontario Releases COVID-19 Management Plan for Schools


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