North Bay’s Remembrance Day Service was a solemn event carrying a strong message of patriotism and loss.
With North Bay being a military city, about 2500 people attended the service at Memorial Gardens.
North Bay Mayor Al McDonald invited citizens to attend to show unwavering support for the men and women of Canada’s Armed Forces. “Remember those that gave their lives for our country.”
A man in military uniform, who wished to remain anonymous, explained that as a young civilian, the day didn’t mean much. “Now that I am in the military, the day is very important and emotional. On Remembrance Day I think of my brother that I lost while he fought in Afghanistan.”
Colonel Sean Boyle, 22 Wing Commander, thanked those in uniform for their dedication in defending our country. Boyle said he was going off script and commended civilians for their response since the deaths of Cpl. Nathan Cirillo and Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent.
“I was surprised at the overwhelming support from the population of Canada as they gathered around Memorials across this country, not just in Ottawa, to show support for the military. From all of us in uniform to all of you out there, thank you.”
Des Kelly was there and said he always attends Remembrance Day Service to show respect. Kelly’s father fought at Vimy Ridge twice but never talked about it to his three sons.
“When Remembrance Day is a national holiday, maybe more will come to the service.”