A collection of various artistic styles developed over the years by internationally known North Bay artist Jack Lockhart is currently on display at the WKP Kennedy Gallery in downtown North Bay.
In his exhibit, Reflections of the North, Lockhart uses all three mediums — watercolour, acrylic, and oil — in his depictions of northern Ontario landscapes, all located within a 100-kilometre radius of North Bay.
“Key areas, of course, are places like Duchesnay Falls because it’s so well known. That is one of the best. But there are so many areas like Lake Nipissing, Trout Lake, Talon, Nosbonsing. They’re all different. They all have their own little characteristics, which is nice to have,” said Lockhart.
Some of the 18 paintings on display showcase the vibrant colours of the fall, but Lockhart has also managed to capture the beauty of northern winters to give contrast.
“The landscapes are kind of like a living being, and you are kind of bringing it to life in various forms because it’s changing. It’s always changing.”
Lockhart is also known for his high texture work, a style which allows people to reach out and touch all the bumps and curves, for a true feel of the image. Youngsters and those who are visually impaired have thoroughly enjoyed the hands-on experience.
The colours on those particular art pieces also change depending on the lighting.
“It’s one of those cases where if you’ve got an awful lot of light, take advantage of the light. Don’t get into the problem of having to have non-glare on the glass and reflections, because now you’re taking advantage of the fact that you have so much high texture. The lighting source changes from morning to night. It changes from natural light to artificial light. I’ve had people who would sit on their chesterfield and say, ‘We just watched our painting change from morning to evening.’ That’s a big advantage of it. Plus you can touch it too.”
Whether he chooses to take an easel out on location to sit and paint, takes a photo to paint later, or paints by memory, all boils down to time and weather.
“Obviously the very best is to go out on location. I have a travelling easel that is like a suitcase but it opens up and the three legs in the easel can be adjusted to any length. So I can be sitting partially on a rock, and have a perfectly level easel and do my painting on that.”
Lighting can become an issue when working out of the studio.
“I’m painting in beautiful sunshine, and all of a sudden I get a cloud formation. It not only changes the temperature, but it changes the lighting dramatically in the painting. So, to get away from that I will always take my camera with me, and take a few shots of the scene that I’m going to be working on,” said Lockhart.
“And I do some sketching too because the camera will not tell you exactly what it is like. For example, if I’m looking at a particular scene, I can see a tree in that scene and the water behind, but I have no idea how far the tree is from the water. Visually the camera doesn’t show me that. So with my sketchbook I put a note and write that the tree is back 20 yards from the water, then I look at it from other angles too. And then sometimes too, the camera doesn’t give you the same colour you want.”
In the end, it is the artist’s impression of what he or she is painting that is key.
Lockhart will be doing a live painting demonstration at the gallery starting at 6 p.m. on Aug. 3 as part of the downtown’s Moonlight Madness.
“My intention is to be set up in here with a blank paper, and by 9 p.m, I’ll have a completed painting. I’ll have the frame and the matting and the glass ready so I can put it in the frame. In the past, there’s usually somebody in here who says, ‘When you’re done, I want that painting.’ It will probably be 24 inches by 24 inches framed out. So it’s a painting that’s manageable in the confines of a smaller space.”
He already has the painting planned out in his head.
“I’m going to try to incorporate some of the techniques that I use, because of it being a demonstration at the same time. My intention is to have rushing water in it, whether it’s a waterfall, or a creek or whatever, and to have the boulders and the rock formations that I do. Then I will add foliage and the colour. So all those will be in the painting, and for good measure, I might throw a couple Canadian geese in to make sure it’s Canadian.”
Reflections of the North will be up until Aug. 7 at the WKP Kennedy Art Gallery.