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Province enforcing new bait management rules for anglers

Bait can pose a significant ecological risk to Ontario's fisheries by spreading invasive species and fish diseases
bait-strategy bait-mgmt-zones
New bait management zones

The Province is putting extra focus this year on the responsible use of bait in Ontario lakes and rivers.

Bait can pose a significant ecological risk to Ontario's fisheries says the MNRF, by spreading invasive species and fish diseases such as viral hemorrhagic septicemia (VHS).

"Since 2014, we have taken steps to reduce the risks associated with the spread of invasive species and fish diseases in Ontario’s waterbodies," says a news release from the MNRF. " We have conducted many studies and consultations and found that one tactic to mitigate these concerns is to limit the movement and use of baitfish and leeches in Ontario."

The Province released Ontario’s Sustainable Bait Management Strategy in July 2020, which describes the new approach to managing baitfish and leeches to reduce the ecological risks associated with the use and movement of bait in Ontario.

New rules that came into effect on January 1.:

  • establishing four Bait Management Zones (BMZs) to limit the movement of baitfish and leeches in Ontario
  • restricting the transportation of baitfish or leeches, whether live or dead, into or out of a BMZ with some limited exceptions
  • anglers fishing outside their home BMZ must purchase baitfish and leeches locally, retain a receipt and use or dispose of their bait within two weeks from when they were purchased.
  • retain a legible receipt that includes:
    • date of purchase
    • business name (if applicable)
    • commercial licence number
    • location of purchase
    • quantity of bait purchased
  • harvesting of baitfish and leeches by anglers may only occur in their home BMZ

Bait Management Zones (BMZs)

Ontario is implementing four Bait Management Zones (BMZs) to restrict the movement of commercially harvested, personally harvested, or purchased baitfish and leeches.

The Northeastern BMZFMZ 3, 8, 10, and 11 except the part of FMZ 10 that is within Cockburn Island, Michipicoten Island, St. Joseph Island, and Manitoulin Island. Manitoulin Island is defined as all land south of the causeway connecting Great LaCloche Island and Whitefish River First Nation known as Swift Current Bridge

An angler’s home BMZ is where their primary residence is located, which is defined as the place with which a person has the greatest connection in terms of present and anticipated future living arrangements, the activities of daily living, family connections, financial connections and social connections. For greater certainty a person only has one primary residence, no matter how many dwelling places the person may have, inside or outside Ontario.

Bait disposal rules

  • It is illegal to empty your bait bucket, drain the water or release live bait into a lake, river, or other waters.
  • Instead, you must:
    • drain your bucket onshore (30 metres from the water)
    • freeze the excess minnows for another day


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