North Bay Pride is hoping to turn hate into a thank you to the community for its support, by hosting a waterfront fireworks display Friday.
“We have all been feeling the hate online these days especially those within the 2SLGBTQ+ community," says Jocelyn Green, CEO of North Bay Pride.,"But many people stand against hate, and we wanted to figure out some way to say thank you for standing against hate, and fireworks can be amazing while lifting your spirit.
Green says the community needs to stand together because hate has no home here.
"It's time to end hate of any kind, and you can make that happen. We need to love each other and lift each other up, not tear people down for what we conceive to be different. The differences in all of us are what makes Canada such a great country to be in.”
Alex Mckenna from Phatboy Fireworks is proud to be part of this Pride event. "We are a diverse company as a whole and have continued that inclusion at all levels. We currently operate with LGBT staff and at a corporate level people of all nationalities.”
“Dream Catcher Fireworks is an Indigenous-owned company that wants to support the community and work with North Bay Pride and hire local LGBTQ staff for the event.
"We recognize the online hate so many folks feel, and we wanted to celebrate those that stand against such hate either online or in person, hate is just not acceptable and should end. We are standing together for all, and our companies show this, we walk the talk, and it shows.”, says a news release from Pride North Bay.
The event kicks off at 930 and ll be a joint effort of Phatboy Fireworks and Dreamcatcher Fireworks.