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Pregnant women can now book COVID vaccine appointments

Pregnant women were previously in Phase 3 of the vaccine distribution plan but have now been moved to Phase 2
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Pregnant women are moving to highest risk category for vaccine eligibility, and are now eligible to register for COVID-19 vaccination appointments.

The province announced today that, in response to emerging data on the increased risk of severe illness for pregnant women, all pregnant individuals will be eligible to register for vaccines under the highest risk category for vaccine eligibility in Phase 2, starting today.

Pregnancy was originally part of the province's Phase 3, in the at-risk category, with vaccine eligibility estimated in mid-May.

Pregnant individuals are eligible to receive their vaccine through public health immunization clinics by booking an appointment through the provincial call centre at 1-888-999-6488.  Pregnant individuals who are in a PHU not using the provincial booking system will be directed to their local PHU to book an appointment.  

Ontario's COVID-19 framework and website will be updated in the coming days to reflect this change for pregnant women, but implementation can begin immediately, the province says.





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