The Powasssan and District Union Public Library has growing pains, and so plans are in the works to add an extension.
"We had hoped to add 1,800 sq. ft. but we're doing it in two phases," said CEO Marie Rosset. "We'll start with the inside of the library."
The library has two rooms downstairs that sometimes are triple booked.
"We need more space because downtown we're the only place where non-profit organizations can meet. It's welcoming. People like to come to the library."
They've also applied for an accessibility grant.
"We're planning on putting a washroom upstairs so that it's more convenient for people to come in off the street. If someone comes to town and needs a washroom they can come to the library.
"We're taking it one step at a time."
A fundraising event is taking place at Veterans Memorial Park on Saturday September 17th from 11 till 2. hosted by Hummingbird Realty Inc., Brokerage and CIBC.
It will feature free burgers and hotdogs, music and a door prize.