The OPP Auxiliary Units will be in their communities to generate awareness about 'safeguarding' your home, cottage or business this weekend.
The OPP SafeGuard Ontario Property Security Program is a community-based crime prevention program that is designed to reduce break and enter crimes, increase support to victims of crime, reduce re-victimization and engage and empower citizens to take an active role in helping prevent crimes.
Here are some tips that can assist community involvement in the detection and prevention of residential break and entries:
- Lock your doors and secure any open windows prior to leaving your home.
- Make "would-be" thieves visible by installing motion lights or leave an exterior light on to illuminate entrance ways and rear yards.
- Don't hide keys in secret places. Leave a duplicate with a friend or neighbor instead.
- Record or take photos of the serial numbers of your property.
- Don't leave articles out, such as axes and tools that could be used to assist in breaking into your residence.
- Establish relationships with neighbours and check on each other's property when away.
- If you are away, make sure that your residence looks like it is occupied. Have the sidewalks shovelled, the mail collected, and the grass cut. Make use of timers to have lights coming on and going off at varying intervals.
- Avoid posting on social media sites when you will be away from your residence.
- If you discover a break and enter, contact police immediately. Do not enter your property as valuable evidence may be disturbed.
Report all suspicious activity to police. One call can prevent numerous crimes.