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Phelps Memorial Park sign an 'amazing feat' for village

On November 6 the sign was officially in the ground, with the donation of equipment, material, and labour from Randy Quirt

The Phelps Memorial Park sign is now up says the Women’s Institute in Redbridge.

Marilyn Hummel, a Life Member of the Phelps Women’s Institute, really wanted to build a museum in Redbridge, having collected antiques and artifacts from this area.

She carried out fundraising for years to try to accomplish it, unfortunately, that project, despite all the fundraising and help from the community, never materialized. 

"However, Marilyn bequeathed the money collected to the Phelps Women’s Institute and asked us to put it to good use," says member Carole Johnston. "Another project we have always wanted to do was to have a sign built for Phelps Memorial Park.  Kyle Wilson of Kustom Kreations was contacted and collaboration began.  After much discussion, a design was selected."

On Nov. 6m the sign was officially in the ground, with the donation of equipment, material, and labour from Randy Quirt. 

"Randy and Kyle worked together to not only put it up; but, put river rocks and crushed stone to make it presentable," added Johnston. "It's an amazing feat for our little village.

"The Phelps Women’s Institute really appreciates the people of our community who many years ago donated to the cause. To our present newcomers who went out of their way to help us in this endeavour, thank you so much!  We are once again coming together as a community who looks after and takes care of each other and our community and Redbridge is becoming the very best place to live."