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People’s Party of Canada to have local candidate in fall election

Aims to be the voice of Canadians ignored by the traditional political parties
20190402 people's party of canada logo
People's Party of Canada

The People’s Party of Canada will field a candidate in Nipissing-Timiskaming for the fall federal election.

Craig Dellandrea, president of the local association says Elections Canada has formally recognized the Nipissing-Timiskaming PPC Association as an official electoral district association.

"This association will now act as the local representative of the People’s Party of Canada and will select a candidate to represent the Party and the riding in the 2019 general election this fall," he said. "We are very proud to be representing Maxime Bernier’s People’s Party of Canada in the riding of Nipissing-Timiskaming. Max's message of freedom and responsibility is resonating with Canadians from coast to coast to coast."

Dellandrea believes the voters of Nipissing-Timiskaming are looking for someone to be their voice in Ottawa, "to be the voice of Canadians ignored by the traditional political parties. We are dedicated to organizing locally to make sure our new Party can be successful in the fall elections,” he added.

"We're excited about it," Dellandrea told CKAT this morning. "

He says the party's philosophy is one of "freedom and responsibility. No corporate welfare. It's one of an immigration policy that works for Canada and it's an orientation towards entrepreneurship and getting government out of people's lives."

Bernier was a former member of the Conservative Party before quitting to set up the PPC.

Selecting a local candidate is now "job one," according to Dellandrea. "We can nominate a candidate and we can raise money."

The party hopes to have a candidate in place as soon as possible.


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