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Para Bus is top issue for the Accessibility Advisory Committee

City Staff has agreed to look into the concerns
20200101 disability para bus disabled turl
Access to the Para Bus is a priority for the Accessibility Committee.Jeff Turl/BayToday.

North Bay's Municipal Accessibility Advisory Committee (MAAC) says in its annual report that the Para Bus was the number one priority last year.

Brian Bibeault, Chair of the nine-member board said in the report there is a concern, "with regards to eligibility, appeals, and the process to get accepted on the Para Bus. Transit Staff has agreed to sit on the Committee and the Committee has had one meeting to date. Para Bus- MAAC has some concerns with the current PARA Bus eligibility requirements and the lack of information on the City’s website with regards to eligibility and appealing processes. MAAC has met with City Staff and relayed some of these concerns. City Staff has agreed to look into the concerns and have agreed to sit on the Ad Hoc Committee."

MAAC prepared a list of priorities early on of their term.

The priorities were then ranked in order of importance to the Committee.

The list of priorities where:

  1. Para Bus
  2. Snow Removal. MAAC presented their concerns to City Staff. City Staff have agreed to make improvements and try a pilot project in the Downtown Area to help with snow removal.
  3. Housing. MAAC has decided that this is a Provincial issue and does not fall within its mandate.
  4. Access to Water. A mat to the water is something that MAAC has been requesting for over five years. Council included this in the 2019 budget and the mat was installed in the summer of 2019.
  5. Website. MAAC is trying to provide information on the City’s website to show all of our accessible facilities. MAAC would like to meet with a staff member who is working on the new website to ensure it is fully accessible.
  6. Picnic Tables. Park staff continues to order and install new accessible picnic tables. MAAC would like to include the locations of the Picnic Tables on the City’s Website.


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