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Opinion: New twin-pad arena a reckless over-expenditure

'This would have saved your City at least $15 million dollars on this dual pad arena. Yet, overindulgent egos and a noted legacy project frame of mind may, in fact, push this user-pay-cost facility out of reach for many hockey aficionados'
20190115 Omischl Sports Complex winter turl
The Omischl Sports Complex. Jeff Turl/BayToday.
By Jim Brown, former sales representative for Sprung Structures.
Editor's note: Mr. Brown's comments are contained in an open letter to the mayor and council and relate to these previous articles.
Wow, quite the growing record Al, and gang!  
  • A City of secrecy and ‘Code of Silence Award’ winner with noted shrouded tactics.  
  • A $406,000 a ghost advisor position and pay-out with backroom deals / cover-up.  
  • Then the ‘Summer in the Park’ financial silence and fiasco.
Now to make matters worse a tainted bid process and reckless over-expenditure of the new dual pad arena pegged at $32 plus million, (which will probably end up at $40 Million plus) which can be viewed as public misappropriation and careless use of taxpayer funds without considering all credible options.
In 2012, your City was presented with a structure option that would save North Bay money, including the user-pay shinny kids and paying parents.  This would have saved your City at least $15 million dollars on this dual pad arena. Yet, overindulgent egos and a noted legacy project frame of mind may, in fact, push this user-pay-cost facility out of reach for many hockey aficionados.
And thank you not, for your intent-full and vindictive slam dunk, termination tactic and phone call against me, after rightful public exposure of your culture of wasteful public spending and covert policy and procedures.
Yes, I exposed your imprudent squandering of taxpayer dollars along with your lavish spending without municipal norm of due diligence, nor customary budgeting practices, but I tried to save your City unnecessary costs … you didn’t!  And I get the boot?????  My termination should really be on someone else’s shoulder.
Yep, thanks Al and gang, thanks for the kick to the curb by a fellow who was just trying to be helpful and spend taxpayer money wisely.  Now, very obvious, … none of you were!
At the end of the day, I certainly hope they don’t dedicate this facility with any of your names on it, it appears sidewalks are more fitting with your culture of total public disregard.
Jim Brown


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