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Opinion: Arena project should be put on hold until after next election

'We estimated $13 to $14 Million, for a double pad arena facility.  Sprung had built many double pad facilities in the past, and the company was less than half the other accepted bid’s original projections of $32M'
20200404 omischl sports field complex sign turl
The Omischl sports field complex is the recommended site for a new arena. Jeff Turl/BayToday.
After seeing, Anne Taylor’s article, I had to speak up again.
When I worked with Sprung Structures,  someone from North Bay Council, called and complained I was too frank and truthful. Consequently, my agent agreement was terminated.
Of recent, in reading how shrouded and covert your City Council is, I felt it appropriate to forward along some reference material that dates back to November 9th, 2017 to the Manager Facilities and July 25, 2018 addressed to Mark King, Chair of the Arena Committee, at the time. 
Then, we estimated $13 to $14 Million, for a double pad arena facility.  Sprung had built many double pad facilities in the past, and the company was less than half the other accepted bid’s original projections of $32M.   
Historically, numerous conversations and emails, dating back to 2014, were held with Ian Kilgour, then head of Recreation now head of Community Development  Our conversations started soon after the cities lengthy recreation and arena study was completed.
Sadly, my letter to Council and residents from January 2020, was the one that put me on the chopping block. Yet, I stood on the side of residents and taxpayers for need and value and told the truth. (It appears telling the truth in politics isn’t the correct thing to do?)
I too, noted from the past, numerous municpal and provincial  ego’s/politicians, building monuments unto themselves, without any accountability or public transparency. Soon after they’re gone, the resident is stuck holding the bag for their legacy. One wonders, how can they truly walk the streets with heads held high?
If one wanted to file an official inquiry and complaint with the integrity commissioner, I can assist. It would then open matters for all to see and understand.  In fact, Council threw it out the window, in favour of their chosen one, the city's published purchasing / tendering policy.
In my opinion, this entire project should be put on hold until some legitimate councillors and mayor are elected next term, and then attempt to put some legitimacy back in municpal governance in North Bay, because you certainly don’t have that now!
Just say’in … the way I see it!
James A. Brown
Iroquois Falls, Ontario


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