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OFSC report strong permit sales for the season

Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs News Release ******************** Barrie - As the Go Snowmobiling Campaign wraps up its second winter, the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs is pleased to report strong results, with increased permit sales,
Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs
News Release


Barrie - As the Go Snowmobiling Campaign wraps up its second winter, the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs is pleased to report strong results, with increased permit sales, positive sled sales, encouraging feedback from the tourism sector, and many first time snowmobilers on the trails. Consequently, plans are already underway for Go Snowmobiling 2009/10, including a new direction for showcasing this important lifestyle campaign.

The new approach takes into account the impact of the economic downturn on our industry and is based on careful analysis of better ways for the OFSC to work with its many partners through these tough times. This past season, the OFSC tested a small Go Snowmobiling presence at non-traditional shows, including the Fall Cottage Life Show and the Toronto Motorcycle Show. Shows like these put Go Snowmobiling front and centre with thousands of qualified, potential snowmobilers who are already committed outdoors and powersports enthusiasts. With all of these factors in mind, the OFSC has decided to focus on expanding other showcase opportunities as part of the 2009/10 Go Snowmobiling Campaign and will not be hosting its own stand alone show this fall.

“Our primary Go Snowmobiling goal from the outset was and continues to be to introduce as many new people as possible to this great family recreation activity,” said OFSC Executive Director Paul Shaughnessy. “As responsible leaders, we believe it will be more productive and cost effective for both organized snowmobiling and our industry to take Go Snowmobiling to other shows where our target audience already exists in large numbers.”

The OFSC wishes to thank Arctic Cat, Polaris, Ski-Doo (BRP), Yamaha, Canadian National Sportsmen’s Shows (CNSS), OTMPC, OFSC districts, and all other exhibitors for their support of the OFSC Go Snowmobiling Show. As OFSC President Bruce Robinson commented: “In partnership with CNSS, we produced a very professional, classy event that highlighted everything the OFSC has to offer and we are very proud that our show served our Go Snowmobiling goals for two years. Now, with the continuing support of our districts, the four OEM’s, and many other industry stakeholders, it’s time mfor our Go Snowmobiling Campaign to take this new direction.”

The OFSC Go Snowmobiling Campaign is targeted to increase participation in recreational snowmobiling and help grow the industry by promoting the snowmobiling lifestyle. The Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs is dedicated to providing strong leadership and support to member clubs and volunteers, to establishing and maintaining quality snowmobile trails which are used in a safe and environmentally responsible manner, and to furthering the enjoyment of organized snowmobiling.



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