Mayoral Candidate, Gary Gardiner says the thought of another four years of Al McDonald as mayor, "quite frankly, scares me."
Gardiner says he gets constantly asked, “Why are you running for Mayor and not Council?”
He says the answer is leadership
In a release, Gardiner asks:
- Do you want to see people continually leaving our community?
- Do you like watching businesses close?
- Are aware fewer and fewer houses are being built?
- Do you enjoy your tax dollars being spent on unnecessary projects such as the standpipe?
- Is it a good sign that there are fewer good-paying jobs available?
- Do you like watching schools close?
- Can you put your trust in a disjointed council that operates in a vacuum?
"If you answered ‘NO’ to any of these questions then change is necessary," states Gardiner. "Without change think about what our community will look like in another four years under the current leadership.
"This is why I am running for mayor, because the above scenario quite frankly, scares me."
Gardiner points to the Baylor report. "It's not just about job creation, it is a template that shows us how to build a better community. There are other great initiatives and ideas out there, but unless Council engages with the community nothing will change.
"Council needs to be a team. Councillors need to get out into the community on a more regular basis. The Mayor’s job is much more involved than simply showing up at ribbon cuttings. As Mayor you will see less of me at these events and more Councillors representing the city, listening and learning about issues that are important to citizens. I intend to bring leadership and consensus building that is lacking in our current Council."
The candidate says that believes in transparency and honesty.
"You may not like my stance on every issue but at least you’ll know where I stand. I believe in accountability and responsibility. I did not simply “toss my hat in the ring”. It was one of the most difficult decisions I have ever had to make."