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Nipissing First Nation announces final list of election candidates

Following the nomination period, six candidates will seek election as NFN Chief while 20 will vie for seven Council seats
2021 05 28 NFN Logo (Facebook)
Nipissing First Nation voters will have the option of voting by mail, online or in person.

The Electoral Officer for Nipissing First Nation has released the final candidate list for its July election

Candidate nominees had until Friday, May 28 to accept nominations from the community to run for the positions of Chief or Councillor. From the list below, NFN voters will elect one Chief and seven people to Council positions.

The following are the individuals who have accepted their nominations and meet the criteria set out for candidates in the Nipissing First Nation Custom Election Regulations (* denotes incumbent):


Chief (1)

  • Bob Commanda
  • Darlene Gingras
  • Scott McLeod*
  • David Romero Miner
  • Michael Joseph Penasse
  • Jeff Stewart

Council (7)

  • Jesse Lyn Beaucage
  • Yvette Bellefeuille
  • Elaine Commanda
  • Jane B. Commanda*
  • June Commanda*
  • Rodney Commanda
  • Tyeler Commanda
  • Brian Couchie*
  • Priscilla Goulais
  • JoAnne Jolicoeur Picard
  • Natasha Lariviere
  • Joan McLeod Shabogesic
  • Joseph McLeod
  • Louise Penasse
  • Philip Penasse
  • Ron Penasse
  • Mike Sawyer*
  • Daniel M. Stevens
  • Eric (Rick) Stevens*
  • Samantha Stevens

An eligible candidate for Chief or Council the person nominated must be:

  • an “eligible voter” as defined in the Nipissing First Nation Custom Election Regulations;
  • must reside within a 100-kilometre radius of Nipissing First Nation Administration office located in Garden Village;
  • must take a leave of absence from his/her employment effective from the date of acceptance of nomination until the results of the election have been finalized, if employed by Nipissing First Nation.

NFN members may vote by one of three methods:

Internet / Electronic: Any eligible voter may cast their ballot electronically beginning June 9 at 9:00 a.m. until July 9 at 8:00 p.m. To vote electronically, please visit and click the red button to get started. Voters will require their status number, date of birth and personal email address.

Mail-in ballots: Voting packages with included instructions will be sent to all voters with an address on file with Nipissing First Nation. 

In-person polls: There will be an advanced poll held on Saturday, July 3 from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. at

  • Nipissing First Nation Garden Village Community Centre, 36 Semo Road, Garden Village, Ont.

Regular polling stations will be available on election day, July 9, from 9 a.m.until 8 p.m. at the following locations:

  • Nipissing First Nation Garden Village Community Centre, 36 Semo Road, Garden Village, Ont.
  • Nbisiing Secondary School, 469-B Couchie Memorial Drive, Duchesnay Village, Nipissing First Nation

The votes will be counted at Nipissing First Nation Garden Village Community Centre on July 9 after the polls close. The results will be declared immediately following the count. 


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